Tuesday, April 13, 2010

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I feel lost. For the first time, not only lost in my life, but also in the life of this city, this country of this world. I take a ride down the street and signs announcing deaths have fallen from the column, remain on the ground, no one collects them as if they were infectious. And then I slide the window newsstand titles absurd: one hopes that the death of the head of the government, another mediciterroristi talking about before you even have a slightest idea of \u200b\u200btruth. But it was this that served those sheets of paper? Where is the search for truth? "Double Pleasure" ... so called the roll (which now are used to this) right ... But why? Who benefits from a bipartisan hatred of this kind? And as schoolchildren lined up to enter the classroom, each of us feels mounted instead of bickering plagued by this shit. As fans of a team, we lose sight of the value of sport to have a win at all costs that brings nothing if not the money to those who organize. I'm tired. Tired of the ignorance of the people who throws a party against the other simply because they feel because while this country is falling apart, everyone's life is increasingly at risk and my human rights are being trampled. We define country founded on the work, and work there. They say society based on the family and prevent me to make one. They talk about freedom and the people close to me in a box and the democratic Democratic Party does not even smell! Tired of people who passively and actively participate in the massacre of a future already in itself vague. Churches that rise to controllers of my life ... My spirit is free, my faith embraces the universe to 360 degrees. Tired tired of not seeing a chink between governors and emperors beaten winners. We are reduced to see real news on TV news satire and political hopes to put up comedians exiles. We are fruit, obvious outlet for my inability to break out: I'm angry, hurt, frustrated, humiliated, angry ... Enough! We want to govern alone, I prefer the anarchy! I want a revolution now, and all heads - figuratively prlando - cut off from the chair they occupy. I want to start a country that has nothing so that nothing can be stolen. And I want the domain of my body and my soul delegates too anointed to these idiots. I do not want to know anything about me by those who manipulate children with raspberries in a courtyard to another. I do not give a shit about who is more over, as long as I do what I pay him to do!
When the wind blows the banality, stand becomes an art.