Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Levaquin 500mg Iv Msds


the search for love through installations, performances, paintings, sculpture, photography, graphic design, theater, video art, vj-dj sets, libations and refreshments , in the frame of the old customs today canoe club in the name of a little 'more and less Juliet South, and about those who want can come in an inflatable boat after booking 10 € per person for one hour by boat.

"Verona is known as the city of Romeo and Juliet.
In this beautiful town a predominant theme is love ... This is why many tourists choose to visit this magnificent landscape of the Veneto region precisely in order to live a perfect romantic getaway. "

The event was born in Verona, specially in the city of love, reflecting a sentiment common to all cities in the world where love are you?!?
"Love Where Art Thou?!?" exhibits works of art that make you think about human relationships, intolerance and expression of a society distracted by continuous alarming generalizations and restrictions.
Thirty artists show their work to convey their message.

's former Customs, in the heart of Verona, offers a superb setting for an exhibition to create' internal a historical context with a symbolic importance.
Founded in 1746 as a place to track goods and disease, especially African, is now a place of physical and mental health as the seat of the Canoe Club Verona, a promoter of cultural events.
A gap in the wall which provides an opportunity for exchange.
include a glass of wine, a little 'music and a bit' of the South asylum are works of art in need of care and attention.

SCUDOLOGI_installazione interactive
BOKO-MARU_installazione interactive
Warug electricks
RICCARDO, the Canoe Club

CUGILDI_pittura GRAZIANO, Matia CHINCARINI_pittura and video
ELISA TURCHI_installazione fotografica_dove go?

LEVERS RODRIGUEZ_scultura_no diamonds for motherfuckers
ENRICA LODI_foto_dualism
GIULIA SCAPINI_pittura_conseguenze movements of love
GIULIA SCAPINI_installazione and pittura_danza d 'love

ALDO TROMBA_installazione
LOVE BLOCK_installazione_ "X" psychogeography love
DAVID FONTANILI_installazione_progetto for a war memorial (slipped)
LAPO SAGRAMOSO_installazione

BARBARA Mones, ELENA Photo SILVESTRI_installazione
STEVE INGHAM_pittura monocroma_where are you my love?
STEF COSSU_olio tela_in up a world of Brutus
LUIGI SCAPINI_olio on tavola_visione green
LUIGI SCAPINI_olio tela_bombardiere up, fall witch
SHAMA_video_amore stolen
STEVE INGHAM_where are you my love?
Mi.S.Fu LAB_installazione interattiva_love delay
Hours: 11:00 am
NO PARENTS_installazione_Giulietta wet
ALDO TROMBA_installazione_così close, so far
HAINRICH KOPF_installazione
THREE AMIGOS_installazione_farmacia demented
ALDO TROMBA_installazione
Prost and PLACENTA_performance_Scudologi

14c0_vj September

FRANCESCO MARTINELLI_pixel art_voglio enter
GIULIA SCAPINI_installazione painting and light dance at Dogshill_lap: pictures of Stefano Cossu
LUIGI SCAPINI_olio pala_dalla on Earth to the Moon
_acrilico on tela_il born blind
ENRICO SGARBI_eromoticons
LUCA BRONZATO_chromotherapy love sushi and

AFON JAZZ BAND_performance

Closed: 23:00


The first edition was created following an appeal from the three amigos and responds to existential doubt / epic / circumstantial presence of love in the compendium as art in the various sectors involved.

The response was positive: the influx of visitors, constant, which during the day reached peaks of hundreds of people, and the wonderful generosity of the artists, witness the meeting between the need and the ' provision of this love, the immanence of harmony in the context of this event that has touched the areas natural, artistic, historical, cultural, friendly, sports offered by the place and the resources at stake.


The exhibition runs from the waters of the Adige river to the dock and on the square and the imposing eighteenth-century façade of the Old Customs House, with installations, operas, films, music, and then articulating in between the canoe and the canoe club's infrastructure.

The theme, interpreted by artists, blended spaces, the works, scenarios, twelve hours, the present, in a festive heat flow indisputable.

LOVE WHERE ARE YOU?!? Proved to be a "format" winning the success of the event has met expectations, which were in the first instance to demonstrate and satisfy the need to share an artistic, friendly, playful, social.

works and services were offered by the artists for this purpose.

The event was organized in order to open a season of new momentum in the communication aimed at sharing and disseminating the culture of contemporary art.


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