Sunday, July 25, 2010

Internal Melanoma Mayo

Carrara, brief history of the city

"Aronta is he who to the belly s'aterga them, / that 'the mountains of Luni, where grubs / Carrarese who houses underneath the / was one of the marbles white a cavern / to his home, in order to look at the stars / and the sea' s not the view was truncated "

( Inferno XX, 46-51 )

The city of Carrara has a long history. The place name of origin of the city there are several options, some derive from the Ligurian "Kar", meaning stone, according to others the name follows the word "Car", which means tanks and "Iara" city of the moon that the moon and then on wagons, quet'utimo name has a clear reference to the transport of marble. In the end link of the name is also found in French "Careers" (quarry) in turn derived from the Latin "Carrariae. The town of Carrara is located in a place once inhabited by tribes that dominated the Ligurian-Apuan territory until the arrival of these people who defeated the Romans in 185 BC
Around the first century BC, the Romans founded the city of Luni and after discovery of the cave began the exploitation of marble quarries. The marble was extracted from fields and transported by wagons to the port of Luni where it was loaded and transported throughout the Empire. The first villages were born in Carrara their settlements made to extract the marble. With the advent of the great sculptors of Carrara marble was used for the most impressive and works to decorate the homes of aristocrats, statesmen and the Emperor.
With the fall of Rome in 476 BC, the extraction of marble quarries stopped and became a refuge from the barbarians who beat their coasts. After the fall of the Roman Empire different populations on the territory: the barbarian Goths, Byzantines, Lombards. In 774 Charlemagne Carrara defeated the Lombards and became a fief of the bishops of Luni.
In 1215 Frederick II took the city and entrusted to the bishops William Malaspina began building the castle. The population was divided between the Guelphs and Ghibellines, who supported the bishop who supported the new ruler. In 1230 the whole area back under the power of bishops. Meanwhile, the extraction of marble continued unceasingly with exports to Pisa, Florence, Rome, Genoa, Naples, Siena, Milan. The power of the bishops finally ended in 1313, then passed from Carrara Florentines to the Lucchese and to return to Milan in 1473 under the Malaspina who still based in Fosdinovo. Carrara
In 1495 it became the seat of the Malaspina who moved to nearby Massa in the second half of the sixteenth century. In 1554 was founded the Duchy of which became the capital along with Massa Carrara. The city government came under Alberico Cibo Malaspina I, the dynasty continued with Charles I, Alberic II and Charles II in 1690. Charles II died without heirs and Carrara Alderano Cybo passed to his brother and his daughter Maria Teresa, wife of Hercules in 1741 Rinaldo D'Este, heir to the Duchy of Modena.
Carrara then passes under the duchy of Modena, in 1751 construction began on the construction of the port required to support the extraction and transport of marble in 1769 founded the Academy of Fine Arts was built beside the palace. With the advent of Napoleon Carrara was under Baiocchi Elisa Bonaparte, who ruled from 1806 to 1814. In 1815
Carrara returned after the Restoration, under Maria Beatrice d'Este, to be an independent duchy, the latter's death the city was returned to the Duchy of Modena and remained there until the unification of Italy.



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