Sunday, December 5, 2010

Airwalk Inline Aggressive

Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 4

"Extrapolate phrases from a broader context does not do justice to the quality of the text. This only serves to context and bring water to their mill. "

"@ Avalon
You do not want just understand. It is not just expressions of bad taste as "The boy was old," "Lara was beautiful, a beauty all women, who do not show anything and they want to vomit, but also of logic. Because the main character did not kill the bad guy when he had a chance under the bridge Taur? And we are tired of the same stories. Enough of these ogres and orcs.

"@ Everton:
You see that you have not read My novel, but you stop to the review of Loris, because there is no ogre in my story. Then if the protagonist has lashed the decisive blow to the enemy can be understood only by following the course of history. But then you always know how things go, right? You have your manual and your stupid rules. Do you know where you get your ridiculous comments? You're just whipping people and envious. "
@ Avalon
" You're an established author whose mastery of writing techniques is certified by the publication by a major publishing house, so do not listen well to criticism, say clearly, 99% are the result of envy passes for competence. "
disconnect in place.
Too easy. Yes, all too simple.
Thanks to this last shot, Vincenzo, had managed to inflict upon the enemy's yet another defeat. His arrogance and his vanity was too obvious a target. The rest of his enemy felt a rockstar literature.
The only viable alternative that his enemy was able to take was the display of erudition in the service of an improbable and his few faithful readers. A screen to save the crippling embarrassment of his style. Could not write, he knew well. So, he decided to invent intellectual . Result: in a pathetic post on the proliferation of historical research of the setting of his next novel seal of his dedication and authority. As if that served to improve his writing and his artistic talent. As if the information could claim a divine right to the narrative capacity of any brilliant craftsman.
A history of Nazism is the shit that is still a history of shit. A wonderful story that speaks of Nazism is still a wonderful story. Shit, do not have the same chemistry.
Yet these results did not lead to anything. There were still many readers who followed him and who were willing to keep reading so much other shit.
Two possibilities on the horizon for Vincent: let it go and focus on the potential of his writing or persuade the queen to go to Plan C. But the queen would never have supported this choice. Perhaps someone else, however, would be convinced. After all, a bit 'of terror would have shaken the real environment.
Vincent raised his helmet to chess and took off his helmet. He put the laptop on the floor. He rose from the sofa and went to the wall plastered the pictures of his enemy . He stretched his gaze to a picture that portrayed him with a smiling face. He put his hand next to the white face of his enemy .
"How much money have you fooled, eh? How many of you have pocketed my money? You've stolen the dream. You took my place. Should I be there for you. Me with my big novel, "Vincent shook the hand of the photo. The sides began to break away from the wall, the eyes of the enemy were lost in the palm of Vincent.
"You'll pay dearly. You pay with your buddies. This is the time of redemption. The time of redemption of the verb submerged and forgotten. Our words become weapons. Our words become meat. Our flesh will devour your flesh. You will be consumed, eaten and vomited. "
tore the pictures off the wall, rolling it.
He approached the small ball to his mouth and began to devour it.


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