Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Decorations For A Bubble Theme

Interlude Interlude # 6 # 7

- No. Think of it from the point of view of the total - would press forward to Crowfoot. - Let's say that you are Michelangelo, and try to turn a huge block of marble in David . The figure is enclosed in marble: you must release it with the mallet and chisel, right? Hit the block, it sketches a splinter off. Strikes again. Another splinter. Some other yet, and perhaps begin to emerge the outline of an arm. The angle of the chisel is slightly different for each shot, no? And perhaps the amount of force you use to strike the chisel with the mallet is also different. You constantly change and adjust the shots, according to information dl that receive block of marble: the emerging form, the exact plans of fracture, and so on. See the total system? The process of creating Michelangelo's David is not one in which you, Michael, you simply act on a passive mass of stone. Even the marble is an active force, part of the circuit, in a sense part of the mental system that is Michelangelo as a sculptor. Because ...
- I do not
- Let me finish. Let me rebuild the entire circuit. A change in the contour of the marble is perceived by your eye and evaluated by your brain, which transmits information to the muscles of your arm on the force and the angle of the next shot and this causes a change in your reaction when neuromuscular unleashes the next shot, producing a further change in the marble that gives rise to a further perception of change in the eye and a new program in the alteration of the brain, which leads to another correction of the reaction Neuromuscular for the next shot, and so on, until the statue is over. The process of sculpting the statue is a process of perception and reaction to change, different strokes for stroke: the block of marble and is an essential part of the total system.
- asked not to be - Shadrach says mildly. - Do not know to be part of a system.
- Not a factor. Consider the system as a closed universe. Marble change, and its changes produce a change in Michelangelo, leading to further changes in the marble. Universe closed-tools-marble sculptor, Michelangelo is not correct to consider as the 'I', agent, and marble as something on which we act. And tools and marble sculptor, and together form a single causal network of roads, one entity that thinks, acts and change, one person, if you want.

Robert Silverbeg, Shadrach in the furnace


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